Green Anti-Inflammatory Juice

Did you know?

That their are key foods that you can consume daily to help reduce and fight inflammation naturally.


Tart Cherry (organic)

 Research has found that tart cherries have the “highest anti-inflammatory content of any food”.
Health Fact: Cherries must be organic as they’re highly sprayed.


Beets contain a high proportion of phytonutrients that act as natural anti-inflammatories. Research has shown that beets can help with heart disease.


 Tomatoes are packed with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight inflammation.
Health Fact: Tomatoes should be slightly cooked to boost the benefits of lycopene.

 Ginger and Turmeric

 Turmeric, the pungent, golden spice used in curry, appears to work in the body by helping to turn off NF-kappa B, a compound that’s integral to triggering the process of inflammation, research shows. Turmeric’s cousin ginger, meanwhile, may cut inflammation in the gut.
Health Fact: When consumed black pepper in conjunction with curcumin (turmeric root) can boost the absorption. Fresh, organic Turmeric root is best.

Garlic and onions

 Garlic and onions are considered powerful anti-inflammatory superstars. The sulfur compounds found in garlic may lower the production of substances in the blood that boost inflammation. Ajoene a component found in garlic has been shown to have excellent  anti-clotting properties. Another component called Allicin, is known for its effective anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties.


Anti-Inflammatory Juice

 What you will need:
5 celery stalk
1 cucumber
1 cup pineapple
1 green apple
1 cup spinach
1-2 beets
4 cloves of raw garlic
1 lemon
ginger root
turmeric root
2 tablespoons of organic tart cherry concentrate
 Fresh juice should be consumed within 30 mins of juicing to benefit from the vital enzymes and nutrients.