First Paralyzed Human Treated With Stem Cell Therapy Regains Use Of Arms And Hands

First Paralyzed Human Treated With Stem Cell Therapy Regains Use Of Arms And Hands

Meet Kristopher Boesen his story with Stem Cell Therapy is simply amazing.  Christopher was involved in a car crash after his vehicle lost control due to slippery road conditions he hit a tree and a lamp post. After the car crash Christopher was paralyzed from the neck down. Kristopher’s first initial doctor’s prognosis was that he may never be able to move his body from the neck down.

First Paralyzed Human Treated With Stem Cells Has Now Regained Use Of Arms And Hands
First Paralyzed Human Treated With Stem Cells Has Now Regained Use Of Arms And Hands

Kristopher was given an opportunity to go through a procedure that involved stem cells therapy. Stem cell therapy has the capability to repair injured nervous tissue by replacing the damaged cells. Stem cell therapy does not guarantee improvement however Kristopher felt as though he had nothing to lose given the current circumstances. Kristopher began treatment with the help of Dr. Liu in April. Dr. Liu injected 10 million AST-OPC1 cells directly into Kristopher’s cervical spinal cord.

According to Dr. Liu “Most patients that experience spinal cord injuries will undergo surgery that stabilizes the spine but does very little to restore motor and/or sensory function. However through these studies, we are testing procedures that may improve neurological function, which could mean the difference between being permanently paralyzed and being able to use one’s arms and hands. Thus, restoring that level of function could significantly improve the daily lives of patients with severe spinal injuries.”

Kristopher has shown significant signs of improvement retrieving his main motoric functions. Furthermore, Kristopher was able to bring back two spinal cord levels that are responsible for his mobility. It took only three weeks of steam cell therapy to notice the first signs of amelioration and only two months to be able to talk on the phone, write words and control his wheelchair. Soon Kristopher could regain basic movements and his independence.

First Paralyzed Human Treated With Stem Cells Has Now Regained Use Of Arms And Hands1
First Paralyzed Human Treated With Stem Cells Has Now Regained Use Of Arms And Hands

Since Kristopher’s stem cell therapy he has stated: “All I’ve wanted from the beginning was a fighting chance… But if there’s an opportunity for me to walk again, then heck yeah! I want to do anything possible to do that.”

This experimental treatment was highly effective for Krisopher, and although the medics could not promise any progress, he managed to heal completely.





Resources: Best Healthy Guide, USC News, Health & Love Page, Healthy Food House