14 Foods That Cleanse The Liver

LiverWhy is Liver Health So Important?

Here Are The Main Functions Of Your Liver

The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile. This helps carry away waste products from the liver. All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and breaks down, balances, and creates the nutrients and also metabolizes drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body or that are nontoxic. More than 500 vital functions have been identified with the liver. Some of the more well-known functions include the following:

  • Production of bile, which helps carry away waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion
  • Production of certain proteins for blood plasma
  • Production of cholesterol and special proteins to help carry fats through the body
  • Conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage (glycogen can later be converted back to glucose for energy) and to balance and make glucose as needed
  • Regulation of blood levels of amino acids, which form the building blocks of proteins
  • Processing of hemoglobin for use of its iron content (the liver stores iron)
  • Conversion of poisonous ammonia to urea (urea is an end product of protein metabolism and is excreted in the urine)
  • Clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances
  • Regulating blood clotting
  • Resisting infections by making immune factors and removing bacteria from the bloodstream
  • Clearance of bilirubin, also from red blood cells. If there is an accumulation of bilirubin, the skin and eyes turn yellow.

When the liver has broken down harmful substances, its by-products are excreted into the bile or blood. Bile by-products enter the intestine and leave the body in the form of feces. Blood by-products are filtered out by the kidneys, and leave the body in the form of urine.

14 Foods That Cleanse The Liver

  • Garlic – Is able to activate liver enzymes that help the body flush out toxins. Garlic contains a sulfur compound called alliin, which converts to the active ingredient allicin. Allicin is a powerful antioxidant, antibiotic and anti-fungal substance, with numerous benefits to liver health. Garlic also contains arginine, an amino acid important for relaxing the blood vessels. Garlic contains selenium, a mineral important for increasing the action of antioxidants. Antioxidants are beneficial to liver health as they keep toxic substances from reaching other organs. Both allicin and selenium aid in liver cleansing. Garlic is also known to be a natural blood-thinner.
  • Grapefruit – It’s high in vitamin C and in antioxidants and has the natural cleansing ability to support the liver. Grapefruit juice helps boost the production of liver detoxification enzymes and helps flush out carcinogens and other toxins.
  • Grapefruit is High in Vitamin C and glutathione, grapefruit increases the natural cleansing processes of the liver. More specifically, one grapefruit contains over 70 mg of glutathione, a protein that boosts the production of liver detox enzymes. In addition, grapefruit contains a special kind of pectin that appears to lower cholesterol. is generally safe to use. However, grapefruit may interfere with several medications including anti-anxiety, antidepressant, antiseizure and statin drugs, preventing their metabolism in the body. This can lead to excessive accumulation of the drugs and could cause serious complications. https://www.drugs.com/article/grapefruit-drug-interactions.html
  • Beets & Carrots – Both are extremely high in plant flavonoids and beta carotene. Beets are the perfect food in helping to cleanse and detoxify the liver.
  • Leafy Green Vegetables – The most powerful allies in cleansing the liver, leafy greens should be eaten raw, or juiced. Extremely high in chlorophyll, greens soak up environmental toxins from the blood stream. With their distinct ability to neutralize heavy metals, chemicals, and pesticides, these cleansing foods offer a powerful protective mechanism for the liver. Incorporate leafy greens such as Kale, bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens, and chicory into your diet. This will increase creation and flow of bile—the substance that removes waste from the organs and blood.
  • Avocados – This nutrient-dense superfood helps the body produce glutathione a type of antioxidant, a compound that is necessary for the liver to cleanse harmful toxins and protect the liver cells from damage. Avocados contain healthy fats that can improve your cholesterol by lowering LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) and raising HDL (the “good” cholesterol). Avocado is also rich in Vitamin C and E, which neutralize free radicals. By neutralizing harmful free radicals, you protect your liver cells from damage. Avocado is also well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This is because it contains both Vitamin E and K, two nutrients that reduce cellular inflammation. Liver cell inflammation is preceded by cellular injury. Anti-inflammatory properties of avocado will support your liver health.
  • Apples – High in pectin, the soluble fiber that helps remove toxins and cholesterol from the blood. Apples are also rich in malic acid, this helps to remove carcinogens and other toxins from the blood.
  • Olive Oil – Cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp, black cumin and flaxseed are great for the liver when used in moderation. They help the body by providing a lipid base that can absorb harmful toxins in the body.
  • Alternative Grains – If your diet includes wheat, flour, or other standard grains, t’s time to make changes. And alternative grains like quinoa, millet, and buckwheat can help. Your liver is your body’s filter for toxins, and if you have certain sensitivities, grains that contain gluten only add to them. One study found that persons who experienced sensitivity to gluten also experienced abnormal liver enzyme test results.
  • Cruciferous Vegetables – Broccoli and cauliflower are good sources of glucosinolate, which supports enzyme production in the liver. These natural enzymes flush carcinogens and other toxins from the body.
  • Lemons & Limes – These citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which aids the body in synthesizing toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water. Drinking freshly-squeezed lemon or lime juice in the morning can stimulate the liver. Lemons are also very Alkalizing.
  • Walnuts – High in the amino acid arginine, walnuts support the liver in detoxifying ammonia. Walnuts are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, which support normal liver cleansing. Make sure you chew the nuts until they are liquefied before swallowing.
  • Cabbage – Much like broccoli and cauliflower, eating cabbage stimulates liver detoxifying enzymes that help flush out toxins. Kimchi, coleslaw, cabbage soup, and sauerkraut are great cabbage-foods to add to your diet.
  • Turmeric –  The liver’s favorite spice. You can incorporate turmeric root into your daily juicing regimen. You can also incorporate this spice by adding it to your favorite dishes. Turmeric helps boost liver detoxification by assisting enzymes that actively flush out dietary toxins. Turmeric is also known as a natural anti-inflammatory.